Things to Keep in Mind from the Alfie Evans case

1). God alone is the real arbiter of life and death. It follows from this that men should not attempt to usurp power over this mystery for themselves.

2). Parents have natural, God-given rights relating to the care of their own children.

3). If parents were to deny oxygen, food or water to any of their children, then the state could legitimately intervene to save the child; but not in the opposite case to actively deny the parents who are trying to provide oxygen, food, and water.

4). Oxygen, food, and water are not to be thought of as medicine which may be removed in certain cases; but as the very essentials of life, which are genuinely included in palliative care.

5). When democratic societies no longer see themselves in reference to God, and democracy is no longer open to the support of grace, or the guidance of natural law morality, then it descends into a state of tyranny.

6). It was the duty of your local bishop to defend you and your child Alfie in particular, and these principles in general.

7). That, in the end, the love of God in Christ outshines all evil, darkness and all cultures of death; and that the answer to defeating injustice and a Culture of Death is to grow in His Love and grace, whilst also working to care for the vulnerable and to introduce more just laws for a Culture of Life in the future.

In truth, these things cannot be seen in isolation from a wider spiritual battle which has been raging in the Church for at least five decades now, but which has much deeper roots, and which issues particularly in the infiltration of non-Catholic ideologies into Church circles, and the rise to power of men within the Church who offer too little evidence of having the Catholic Faith, nor even of holding to the basic ethical principles of the divine and natural law.

Please know that this is not at all representative of real Catholicism as found expressed and made fecund within the authentic living framework of Scripture, Tradition and Magisterium.

Please be assured that you have the love of God, the intercession of Our Blessed Lady, the true teachings of the Catholic Church and the sincere prayers of many grassroots Catholics all around the world on your side.

May the Sacred Heart of Jesus, and the Immaculate Heart of Mary be your consolation, peace and protection in the days ahead. God bless you.

Courtesy of

God Bless BJS!!

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