Tridentine Mass

What is the Tridentine Mass?

It’s the Mass used in the Catholic Church for almost 1500 years, until the introduction of the “New Mass” of  Paul VI following the Second Vatican Council.

Why is it called the Tridentine Mass?

Because it was codified by the Council of Trent in the 16th century. But the Mass itself is far older than that. The Canon, or central part, of the Mass dates back to the time of St Gregory in the sixth century where he made it official, but it can be found even earlier in the writings and practices of Saint Ambrose and Saint Antony the Great in the third century.
In 1570, Pope St Pius V – in his Papal Bull Quo Primum – said that priests could use the Tridentine rite forever, “without scruple of conscience or fear of penalty

Wasn’t the Tridentine Mass banned?

No, but following the Second Vatican Council, its public use was (unjustly) suppressed by most Paul VI and the Bishops.
After the introduction of  Paul VI’s new Mass, the only priests given permission to say the Tridentine Mass publicly were priests of England and Wales, thanks to an indult (or permission) granted by the Vatican to Cardinal Heenan of Westminster.
Other priests – such as Padre Pio- continued to use the old Mass privately instead of the new rite.
After a thorough review of the teachings of the Catholic Church, this Mass could never be revoked and it is impossible to say that the perfect Holy Sacrifice of the Mass is a bad thing or needs to revamped. Never listen to those, even Bishops and “Popes”, who tell you to do less for God. By going to the invalid Novus Ordo Mass, you are turning your back on the true sacrifice on Calvary, since the New Mass is directly connected to the wishes of the reformers (Protestant) of the Reformation and Freemasons. Do not believe those who try to tell you it is “just going back to its original form”. That is like saying you can plant a seed, watch the tree grow, and then cut it down and ignore all the fruits through the centuries.

Furthermore, this way of thinking is against Church teaching and has been previously condemned. Pope Saint Pius V warned us and made it clear that the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass could never change. Please read the encyclical Quo Primum.

What’s the advantage of the Tridentine Mass?

The validity of the Tridentine Mass is shown, not only by the Papal Bull, but also its uniformity and experiencing the words of the Holy Ghost. Wherever Catholics go in the world, the Tridentine Mass is exactly the same. The movements and gestures of the Mass are clearly prescribed and each have a purpose, so there’s no room for “personalization and innovations” and other abuses of the liturgy. And the time-honored Latin and Prayers of the Mass reverently reflects the sacrificial nature of the celebration and the inspiration of the Holy Ghost. This Mass expresses the Dogmas such as Purgatory and Blessed Mother, as well, there is no doubt that something heavenly is happening.
So are Catholics entitled to attend a Tridentine Mass if they wish?
Absolutely!  This question was added for those of you who are nervous of going against a Bishop, and rightly so. Many members of our community went through similar experiences and were afraid that they themselves were outside the Church. As we prayed and studied more, we started to learn the truth and stood up for the faith, the problems with the new mass and the new sacraments are simply too overwhelming to list here on this website page. Simply ask yourself, how could the Mass that all the great saints attended be now a bad thing? As well you must come to terms with the fruits of the New Mass, for example, no reverence or modesty, no unity, liturgical abuses, ill informed priest, and empty pews. Judge it by the fruits, this Mass was not written by the Holy Ghost. You do not have to wait for a Bishop to “allow” a Tridentine Mass to be said in your diocese. Unfortunately we must fight and seek the Truth, even if that means going to a small chapel where the Tridentine Mass is offered. We certainly do not approve or advocate disobedience, but only advocate obedience to Divine Law and true Popes and Bishops. You must choose God over ill informed or evil men. Obedience to God and the teachings of His Holy Catholic Church come first. For instance, if you know a priest that says that Blessed Mother was not the Immaculate Conception, he would be denying a Dogma of the Catholic Church, therefore making him a heretic. You would not listen and follow this priest, in fact it is your responsibility to inform him otherwise. The truth is, many priest do not believe that Blessed Mother was the Immaculate Conception, and it gets much worse than that. The present authority of the Catholic Church is overwhelmingly corrupted by heresy and therefore the men who support these errors in Holy Mother Church do not hold any authority. The Devil is trying his best to destroy the One True Faith.

**Please investigate each place you go to for Mass. There are traditionalist, many with good intentions, that think they can be ordained by anyone and be a priest. Also please stay away from Traditional groups that have completely gone too far,. For instance, groups that have “elected” their own pope.
Lastly, it is very important to know that your priest should be validly ordained in the traditional rite. The reason for this is because the New Church has changed the consecration formula of Bishops in the late 60’s . On November 13, 1947, Pope Pius XII had given us a specific form of consecration for validity in his encyclical Sacramentum Ordinis. This consecration has been used for centuries and has always had the essential words

Pope Pius XII  said the words in the consecration were absolutely needed for validity. The only word in the new consecration that remains the same as in the old is the word “and”. The bishops that were ordained by this new consecration are in fact invalid (Roman Rite), therefore not making them priests. We realize that this is a lot to digest, but if you want valid sacraments you must find a priest that does the traditional rites and is validly ordained by a valid Bishop. Our Holy Mother Church is in a great spiritual war. We must continue to pray the rosary and read the teachings of the Doctors, saints and theologians of the pre-Vatican II era. 

This was an article on 

here is some more modernism disguised as Catholicism

God Bless BJS!!

20 thoughts on “Tridentine Mass”

  1. Okay, I came into the Church in 2004. The only Mass I have ever known is after Vatican II. I have nothing to compare anything to, other than what little I have been told about before Vatican II, which is not much.

    I know it used to be in Latin and the Priest looked away from the congregation and that is about it. So…..

    I do not understand the term “new Sacraments?” Could you please explain that to me. Anything else you think I might need to know as I know nothing, about all of this.

    Any Church I have visited all celebrate the Mass the way Vatican II I guess set it up. I do not know of any Church in my area which has the Tridentine Mass. In fact I do not even know what that means, just putting two and two together on it. Thanks and God Bless, SR

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Our Mother of Perpetual Help Chapel 
    4161 Square Dance Rd. 
    Horizon, TX 79938 
    Fr. Roberto Mardones 

    There is one I found. Maybe they would have more info for you.


  3. Thanks so much for your help. Kids are coming in this weekend so will be busy the rest of the weekend. Birthday party of grandkids, have much to do. Will get to all of this as soon as possible. Again thank you so much for helping me to understand it all better. God Bless, SR

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Hi, one of your links in the post doesn’t work. Is this – – the website you were referring to?

    We all have to be very cautious about our approach to the Church these days. There are still some very holy, faithful men in the hierarchy, and it is by no means certain that a Novus Ordo Mass is not pleasing to God if it is done by the book. I certainly feel that I receive graces through the Novus Ordo Church. Most of the problems arise from abuses and confusion. There is no alternative to the Novus Ordo in my area so I stick to the Masses that are conducted with reverence, and where I can kneel to receive communion on the tongue. I will not deny myself and my family the sacraments when I have no proof of their invalidity. Abuses, irreverence and heretical clergy do not constitute proof. They point to a crisis, and diabolical disorientation, but not to the invalidity of the whole Novus Ordo Church. However, it is hard to see how the situation can be rescued unless there is divine intervention soon.

    We have travelled further afield to attend traditional Masses and I went on pilgrimage recently with the Institute of Christ the King. I am therefore aware of the gulf between the Novus Ordo and Tridentine Mass. If I could always go to the latter I would.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yes, I can empathize with what you’re saying because I am in a similar position. You may want to consider making a profile on and talking to some peers there. Its free and the creators of the site Paul and Rob are extremely helpful as well the Faithful on the site are very knowledgeable. For me I often have to watch a dvd of the mass and read my missal, as well I have made the praying of the rosary a concrete part of my daily life. We all know that bad trees cannot bear forth good fruit and that we have to be extremely careful when it comes to our decisions regarding the Faith and the Mass. I will keep you and your family in my prayers. God bless you.

      Liked by 2 people

      1. Thank you Brian. 🙂 I will keep you in my prayers also.
        I had a bit of difficulty getting on to (something to do with the link in the confirmation email) but I’ve finally managed it. I haven’t got time to check it out properly at the moment but I’ve already found a useful link to the website of a sedevacantist group here in Ireland. Very useful, thanks for the tip.
        I hope things improve for you, and for us all, soon.
        God bless you and yours.

        Liked by 1 person

      2. I will leave you with one more piece I looked at the site briefly and saw a quote from Ratzinger and it is very hard for people to be able to sift through what is Catholic and what is heretical when going through a lot of sites. However I think these sermons might help you clarify a lot.

        If you go down to Bishop Sandborn and click on any of his sermons regarding the Novus Ordo it will bring a lot of clarity to what we must do as Catholics. I recommend anyone discussing the fruits of V2, Ratzinger, Anti-popes etc…I would also recommend a book entitled the Anti-Modernist Reader. It is available through true restoration publishing I believe. In the future if you would like to email me anything for discussion I would be happy to help. it is a little better venue for longer discussions. I will continue to look at site but we must remember if we play with fire we will get burned.

        Liked by 1 person

      3. Thank you. You have given me a lot of material to go through. It is such a confusing time for Catholics, but it is our duty to work out how to fulfil our obligations without offending God, and how to grow in the faith without endangering our souls. I will do my best.
        And thank you for your offer to discuss things via email. I agree, email is better for longer discussions.

        Liked by 1 person

      4. I know the first thing you saw on my site was about the Author. I just want to clarify, I made a lot of mistakes in my life, as we all do. My biggest mistake was taking my Faith for granted, because if you do not have the Faith what can you look forward to. I deeply admire your passion and commitment to do what’s right in the eyes of God and all I want to do is help people learn from some of the mistakes I have made and point them in the right direction. Please recommend my site as well as any or all the resources you have been given to anyone who needs. And please stay in touch and let me know how your journey is going.


      5. You’re very kind. This deserves a longer reply so I will email you, probably tomorrow. It’s getting late on this side of the pond. 🙂
        By the way, I have already passed on some of the information to my husband. More of that in the email…

        Liked by 1 person

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